Cherished as symbols of purity and perfection, elegance and affluence, pearls are unusual gems.

What are the Pearls?

The Pearls (Providing Education, Awareness, Responsibility Leadership and Support) is an initiative sponsored by the First Lady to help promote scholarship, sisterhood and success of the young ladies ages (11-13) and (14-19).  

What is the Goal?

The goal of the Pearl Initiative will be to help our young girls, as they face the challenges of life and peer pressure, take responsibility for their behavior, achieve in school, set goals, graduate from high school and avoid some of the negative traps that may interfere with achieving goals and dreams.   The Pearls will develop emotional, social, decision-making and intellectual tools to prepare them to be successful in school, relationships, work and life. 


How will this goal be accomplished?

The Pearls will meet the week of July 8-12. Age group (11-13) from 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. and age group (14-19) from 10:00-12:00. Groups will engage in supportive conversation circles and practice and model appropriate behavior skills.  The group will utilize the support of a variety of community-based activities and peer/adult mentoring. 


Tentative Topics of Discussion

Increasing Personal Capabilities: Getting the most from your life/Self Esteem
Relationships: Building closer ties with others
Values Clarification: What’s important to me?
Judgmental Skills: Knowing right from wrong
Transitioning from middle school to high school
The “in” crowd, the “out” crowd
The pressure to be perfect
Relationship issues
Hygiene and proper feminine hygiene
Sex/Sexual Transmitted Diseases

The successful person makes a habit of doing what the failing person doesn’t like to do.~Thomas Edison~